Friday, 26 June 2009

Thumbs up for the lemon blossom honey

Kevin, one of our most regular customers came down to the stall we have in Churchill Square, Brighton (every Wednesday) to pick up a kilo of the lemon blossom honey. On tasting it he decided to take four. Then another regular customer from Oxford phoned up for 15 kilos!

[Here's a photo of the stall at Churchill Square Farmer's Market with Karen. ]

I think this lemon honey is probably going to sell very quickly.

I found this photo of a bee feeding on lemon blossom - really beautiful and delicate flowers. If you want to order some of this honey then just go to: Buy Raw Lemon Blossom Honey
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Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Rare and Raw Lemon Blossom Honey

Fresh, Raw and Rare: Lemon Blossom Honey From Granada in Spain

This is available to buy by clicking here

We now have a very limited quantity of lemon blossom honey. For the last two years we've been trying to buy some raw lemon blossom honey - but without success. The only lemon blossom we could find had been pasturised and we won't sell pasteurised honey.

Now Ramon, the beekeeper we get most of our honey from in the Pyrenees has managed to source some raw lemon blossom from a beekeeper he knows near Granada in Andalusia.

The honey arrived on Monday morning at 6.30am - a day earlier than I had expected. Took about an hour to unload the 48 boxes and get them inside. Couldn't wait to taste the honey - and I wasn't disappointed. It was everything I had hoped it would be - and more - with a very noticeable aftertaste of lemon.

Here's a photo I've just taken of the jar of the stuff - you can see it is still runny.

The honey is very fresh and runny with a good consistency. If you want some please click the link below. It's £10 for a kilo.

Buy some lemon blossom honey

However, there are discounts available - three jars are reduced by 10%. You can get 25% off if you order 15 or more kilos.

We have just a few hundred kilos available, which I know will go quickly once word is out. This is really fantastic honey.


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