Thursday, 10 June 2010

New project to help bees develop resistence to the vorroa mite

Interesting piece about a project to help bees develop a resistance to the vorroa mite. (You can see a mite on the right hand side of this picture.) This is the mite that has been millions of bees.

In Africa wild bees have quickly developed resistance to the vorroa mite.

The project managers argue that by treating bees with vorroa allowed the weaker strains of bee have been perpetuated - and thus the vorroa mite continues. See here for more details:

Monday, 7 June 2010

Honey's Healing Power

A BBC article from 2004 seems to be getting a lot of hits all of a sudden. It's mainly about manuka honey but does have stuff on the general antiseptic qualities of honey. Here's the link.

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Save the Bumble Bee

Two species of British Bumble Bee have become extinct in the last 70 years and two more species are heading for extinction. The number of indigenous bees has decreased by about half over most of lowland Britain.

Pyrenees honey is asking you to do something now to help save the Bumble Bee by voting for the Bumble Bee Trust application to the National Lottery Fund for a grant to save these bees. Just go here

Bumble Bees are vital for pollinating crops in the UK - and throughout all their range.