Monday, 27 July 2009

Bad Hair Day Cure: Honey & olive oil hair & body wash - an amazing creation

This morning I woke up to a seriously bad hair day. After spending most of the weekend exposed to the elements of the Great British Summer my hair looked frightening, and so did I. Fortunately the only creature unlucky enough to see me was Roc, our resident herring gull who was on the ground floor window sill waiting patiently for his breakfast as I went down to the kitchen to make a cup of tea.

A bit later I went to the bathroom to have a shower and PING! An exciting idea. I'll make some shampoo out of the ingredients I like most of all.....honey, cider vinegar and olive oil, thought I. Back in the kitchen I mixed more or less equal portions of cider vinegar, olive oil, honey (all organic and raw), water and pure soap flakes made by my friend Teresa in Tarragona, Spain. I added a little salt and shook the mixture well. I wasn't sure as I was shampooing my hair if the concoction would work, but it felt rich and natural and lathered remarkably well so I left it on my hair for a couple of minutes and also used it as body wash.

After rinsing and drying the end result was superb. My hair and skin feel and look much softer and much more radiant.

If you fancy making some of your own shampoo and body wash we have the ingredients - raw cider vinegar, organic olive oil and of course lots of honey. Just email me at Karen if you want any of the ingredients.

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