Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Local Honey At Churchill Square Farmer's Market

Just managed to get some local honey from Moulscomb allotments. We've just been selling it at Churchill Square Farmer's Market and it's been flying off the table. (It's on the left in this photo in the three jars next to the long row). The 30 jars we got have virtually gone in a week, a reflection of the popularity of local honey.

Many people say it is an effective cure for hayfever. The reasoning goes that resistance builds up through absorbing the small amounts of local pollen contained in the honey over a long period. I know of two people with very severe hayfever who say they have found that by eating local honey for six months or so before the pollen season their hayfever has been cured.

Personally I don't know, but it certainly does seem to work for some.

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